Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Time is a ticking!

Son's wedding is on Saturday, My 50th birthday is not till nearly August, Mid-life crisis about now.
Say No it can't be so! but sure enough it rears its ugly head. Great timing-not!
Didn't seem that long ago I was married.But now Son getting married, daughter starting High School. Where O time didst thou art go?
Half a century, man.....
As my quotable friend Paul always said in response to anything "Oh well, what can you do?" The pinnacle answer to all that is. Open to interpretation, be it positive or negative. In my case, depending upon whether I am in pain or not, or hungry or not.
From day to day/hour to hour/minute to minute, what will my response be?
At the front of the church I try to attend, there is a motto "Jesus Christ is our hope". I would like to claim it personally and say publicy "Jesus Christ is my hope"
Indeed that is the case.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


WestCoast Blogger comments were greatly appreciated. Especially since I opened up my heart elsewhere, only to have it cruely crushed. I go into this appointment with great apprehension, because I don't want to lose out more on life.
Like the situation she shared from her heart, I believe it is all the medication I am taking. I have also heard/read about the affect of pain on memory too.
I am hoping to God it is one or the other and I thank my friend for offering some validation. I'll remember her for this, and thank her for being the first one to comment on my blog.