Thursday, August 26, 2010

I want to be like Jesus

This review is from the book: Saint Francis by Robert West
As believers in Christ we are all saints. However we usually reserve the term for
someone who has written a book in the New Testament.
Francis of Assisi was not a writer, rather he sought to live his faith in Christ to the fullest. Even unto the point of death.
Undoubtedly Francis would not want to be the focus of this book. Instead he would
rather be the catalyst for change in each of our lives.
Drawn from many sources, Saint Francis, by Robert West, presents the life of Francis from beginning to end. The transformation of a rich man into a beggar. A man who declared himself to be "the most worthless and inadequate sinner on earth".
One man's journey of faith, who touched the lives of countless people, from lepers to the Pope.
In doing so he inspired others to follow by example, and raised up many leaders and followers.
Read and find how he drew himself to God, and how God used him for His purposes.
Then ask yourself if you would do the same.
Thanks to the good folk at Thomas Nelson for providing the book free of charge, for review.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Turning 50

Is not much difference than 49 except in this case you add a day.
No midlife crisis nor retrospective. Just eats and loot to boot!
Last weekend celebrated with my Son and his Wife.
Last night with the rest of my family and Grandpa.
Today was a flashback to the sixties, with headbands, and flowers in the pastor's and his wife's.
Psychedelic skirts worn by the ladies and one guy!
Beatles music for atmosphere.
A really nice time with photos for blackmail too.
The powerpoint @ Ritson Road Alliance will never be the same.
Wouldn't you know it, tired now. Hence welcome to the fifties!