Thursday, June 9, 2011

Review:No he can't by Kevin McCullough

More than just a play on words. This book clearly,thoughtfully and provocatively challenges the public's perception of Barack Obama.
This book is a must read for anyone considering giving him a second term.
If what is written is true, then the public voted for a person with a carefully crafted image, who promised yet did not deliver. Instead his actions have been self serving, much to the detriment of America's recovery.
Barack Obama has assumed a paternalistic attitude,rather than taking,let alone seeking the
counsel of others.
Israel,Iran,Iraq and Afghanistan have also been the recipients of his ignorance.
The author states"in not vetting the man who would be our President more carefully, we failed ourselves".
This election, the public will have no such excuse.
Thanks to the good folks at Thomas Nelson for providing this book free of charge, for review.