Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My first follower

Julie.leeds a mutual contributor to Smartcanucks.ca

I welcome her with open virtual arms and hope that she and followers to be, may learn something from this. Or at least kill some time during the day.

May she and followers to be, feel free to comment and critique. That we may learn from one another.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I am validated

Just not on here yet. Today I received a call from Oshawa This Week, advising me that my last blog post will be in an upcoming issue.(applause). It is quite interesting, given I apparently have no blog followers.
Wonder where you get "them" from?, how do they even know I exist?. I suppose they must, given there is an area on the blog for them. Not to worry, I'm not afraid being an underdog.(the word and not the cartoon character).
Somewhere in cyberspace that one person will discover me and I will become a phenomenon.
Until then, I will continue on knowing that a blogger is a person no matter how small.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sidewalk sightings

When you have to walk as slow as I do, you notice the ground more often. More specifically what is on the ground.
There are those round water turn offs, that often rise above the sidewalk. Stubbing your foot if you're not careful. They really do a number on my back,as do uneven sidewalk blocks.
Calling cards of a dog having previously passed by, which you don't want to step in.
Coinage too which I pass by, as I cannot bend without difficulty. However this week a Twenty Dollar bill beckoned, and so I heeded the call, picked it up and paid the price in pain later.
Something even richer appeared this week on the sidewalk. A chalk picture done by the little girl next door.
Bright green grass, a beautiful blue sky, and a shining yellow sun. It was as beautiful as any masterpiece, perhaps even better, as it was done in childhood innocence. Through the eyes of a child. Full of life and optimism that sadly adults can't often see.
We only see life like the grey color of concrete, the calling card of a dog, or the color of money.
I treated that part of the sidewalk as sacred ground, not wanting anything to change.
For days I walked around it, pausing and admiring it everytime.
It has been awhile now, and the colors have faded, but I still stop and remember how it was.
Hoping to keep the initial image alive in my mind.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Insurance Irritation

Once again my Life Insurance company calls under the guise of wanting to save me money.
The mere thought awakes something within, and it is not good.
If a company wants to make money, then how can they save me money?
Sounds like a catch 22 and I believe I will yet again pass.

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Pal Pain

Is alive and well, he's actually in my feet, preventing me from getting very far.
Pain is certainly much easier to deal with in the back, but the feet, well it sucks.
I may be talented, but walking on my hands is not one of my talents.
I feel for those who are confined to a bed, or a chair 24/7. It must be really difficult.
Please remember to pray for those dear folk and myself too.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The 3 P's

Puking,pain and being a pin cushion.
The first two, are self explanatory, the pin cushion is my body.
Given my regime of drugs, I decided to try acupuncture.
Four treatments thus far and I'm still undecided about any affect.
Last time I nearly fell asleep. However the relief doesn't last for long.
On a more positive note, I am becoming a book reviewer again.
Stay tuned for further details.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Today my pain controls me and not the other way around.
Sleep comes upon me so easily, yet life beckons.
My mind is so not working, but the Holy spirit is alive and well.
Thanks be to God.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Well another painful day, hard to be positive. But kitty decided to change the day.
Kind of hard to feel sorry for myself, when someone who asks for very little, climbs up on my lap and purrs away.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Pal Pain

Pain my constant companion, is especially bad today. I've cried and I could scream.
I know I'm suppose to learn something from it all, yet it is a hard way to learn a lesson. I would like to think that I could learn without the pain.
Underlying it all is empathy and compassion for those in similar circumstances.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tis the season..

of Yard sales!!!
Went to my first one today, and discovered first hand how ill mannered some people can be.
Despite me using a cane to walk, I got pushed and shoved, which is a huge turnoff.
Haiti came to mind, with mob scenes seeking to get what they could. But in this case it wasn't a matter of life or death. Although it seemed to be for some.
God forbid any disaster should happen here, for I wouldn't have a chance.

Friday, April 9, 2010


I'm waiting for goodness and mercy to catch up to me, rather than follow me. In the meantime,
from the confines of my recliner. I think,I hurt, I pray but I sometimes curse. Waiting for the pain to end, if only for awhile.
My world exists in this very recliner. Outside I see a Maple tree, the bird feeder and those who walk by on the sidewalk. Although it may not seem to be a lot, indeed it is, if only you look closer.
I invite you to join me in my journey, one day at a time Lord, one day at a time.