Monday, May 31, 2010

This Blog sucks!-till now!

Nearly two weeks and nothing notable to say.
Well I'm getting my memory tested this week to see if I have any, so that should be interesting. Especially if I remember to go.-Not funny!
Right now I'm into day 3 of my ears wanting to explode from my head.
I thought it was a new medication, but now I think it is the weather, or it could be that pact I made with God. Sorry can't say anything more than that.
Had hellish dreams last night that forced me out around 3:45 A.M.
Now I'm ready for LaLa land, and I'm not referring to Teletubbies. Although I could turn on the boob tube and put my mind in neutral.
Scratched my arm on something, which isn't good, as I don't want to look any worse in
the upcoming wedding photos. Yup after living in sin for 20+ years the wife has decided to make everything legitimate-kidding!, she doesn't want to yet!-kidding! it is for Son's wedding-not kidding!
Less than 2 weeks to go, oh well still time to back out...of trimming my beard!
Man I should get up this time every morning-I'm on a roll!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Potent Pain

That title describes myself perfectly. It has been one of those really bad days today. The body hurts, the mind hurts and I end up hurting others because everything gets filtered through pain. I know it is not an excuse, nor a cop out, but it is reality.
I have a self imposed exile from my support group. One of us has let the other down.
I have not bothered to request more prayer from prayer partners, as I am sick of doing so.
The orthotics and meds.are making matters worse, rather than better. I don't know how much longer I can carry on like this. Something has to give and I believe it is my body,mind or both.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Orthotics ordeal

The pain is worsening because of these orthotics that are supposedly going to help me. The saddest part of it all is my Son's wedding is now less than a month away, and I'm hoping to have this problem under control by then. I want fond memories of the day, yet I need to last hours. This is definitely not the way I could ever imagine myself being.
My mind is willing, but my flesh is physically weak.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Book Review

"Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge.
I absolutely cannot stand reading something that goes against my grain. Specifically
deep spiritual issues. I know the truth, and it has set me free. Therefore how can I
read something with an open mind, knowing that it is all wrong.
This is one such book, that I have literally struggled with.
The author overwhelmingly believes that God and Jesus have been misrepresented in the Christian church. Our only hope is to venture out into the wilderness to discover
the real God, and in turn our real selves.
Experience has shown me that God and Jesus are real in my own life and that of others. That we need not venture far from the community of believers.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


What to do when your morals are tested by those who don't share the same.
On the one hand you are ministering to others, and that in and of itself cannot be underestimated. But on the other hand, an ever so small minority offend you.
Is one to turn a blind eye, and press on for the sake of the majority? or do you hold out for the minority?
My soul wants to do what is right, yet I'm so torn.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bumbled Blogger

If I'm not mistaken, a blog is suppose to be up to date, perhaps even daily!

I believe I missed the mark, and need to improve, in order to survive amongst all the other gazillion blogs out there.

To be honest I need to make the time, and I probably could, indeed I need to.

I have been busy with pin cushion(acupuncture) appointments, major dental work, and Income Tax returns which were due last month.
Also I'm now a reviewer for the good folks at
I received a book last week entitled "Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge.

Well enough excuses, my online Sidewalk post made it into print in Today's edition of Oshawa This Week. Perhaps I will be discovered in print, as well as online.