Monday, October 4, 2010

Self Righteous Christians

Your Money God's Way by Amie Streater

This book is a good example of why some people are turned off by Christians and Christianity.
One does not begin a book by being self righteous and judgmental, despite a claim to the contrary. Unfortunately the words that follow afterwards are tainted by her previous remarks.
As such whatever truth may follow is lost, along with the author's credibility.
Thanks to the good folks at Thomas Nelson for providing the book free of charge for review.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Walking and Scoliosis

Now into week three of not being able to walk properly. It is so discouraging.
I am now wondering if this is just a natural progression of the scoliosis, or is it something else.
Researching scoliosis and walking,is a dog's breakfast. Like any search, all sorts of unrelated material is shown.
I do not want to lose my ability to walk for good. I can't imagine a life like that. But what if?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ahead or behind?

Why is it that you feel better, you think you finally have the problem licked, and so
you decide to move onward, only to find out you're not.
Now you are in pain again, and so nothing has been accomplished, instead it is false hope rearing its ugly head.
I complain, yet for a few hours I had no pain. For that I should give thanks.
I'm at Day 10 now, and I'm discouraged. I don't want to read how suffering builds character,blah,blah,blah. I want nothing to do with suffering, and yet suffering is a part of life itself.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pain Pal

Not Pen Pal is back.
All day from waking up till now,pretty much in pain.
It has moved somewhat so that could be a good thing,or not.
I have been told that I had this before and the Dr. said it had to run its course.
I'm hoping it is not the same as the pain is incredible, and my tolerance level is not.
I don't usually watch a lot of TV but with this latest pain episode(get it!-episode!)
I've had endless,mindless,yet glorious hours of Sunday football-Season Opening day!
Too bad the Bills sucked.
Oh well two hours and then I can declare I may as well go to bed. Thankfully I can sleep despite the pain. I sure hope it continues to be that way.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Acupuncture Punctured

Well I had my 2nd treatment today for my latest problem down in the hip joint area.
When I was finished I could barely walk. I asked the receptionist if it was normal that I leave worse than coming in? According to acupuncture dude it was because of my position.
Usually I lay flat on my stomach, but since I didn't want to barf, I laid on my side.
Nearly eight hours later I still have agonizing pain where the treatment was done.
If I had my choice I would stop, but was told that this treatment should "cure" me in
1/2 the time. Two to four, rather than four to eight weeks.
At the moment I can only stand up for short periods of time. Just going downstairs
hurts. Walking is limited to the house and is excruciating.
I'm seeing my own Doctor next week to obtain his opinion. Problem is the drugs I am already on, can do damage in large quantities.
I so wish I could be healed right now, as the pain is draining and at times seems neverending.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

American Propaganda

The Butterfly effect by Andy Andrews

Although the premise of the book showed promise. It was quickly lost at the start of the book.
By using examples of American history,world events seen through American eyes, and American intervention. The author has set up America as the saviour of the world.
I would not,nor could not, continue to read the book after such a presumption had been made.
Thank you to the good folk at Thomas Nelson for providing the book free for review.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I want to be like Jesus

This review is from the book: Saint Francis by Robert West
As believers in Christ we are all saints. However we usually reserve the term for
someone who has written a book in the New Testament.
Francis of Assisi was not a writer, rather he sought to live his faith in Christ to the fullest. Even unto the point of death.
Undoubtedly Francis would not want to be the focus of this book. Instead he would
rather be the catalyst for change in each of our lives.
Drawn from many sources, Saint Francis, by Robert West, presents the life of Francis from beginning to end. The transformation of a rich man into a beggar. A man who declared himself to be "the most worthless and inadequate sinner on earth".
One man's journey of faith, who touched the lives of countless people, from lepers to the Pope.
In doing so he inspired others to follow by example, and raised up many leaders and followers.
Read and find how he drew himself to God, and how God used him for His purposes.
Then ask yourself if you would do the same.
Thanks to the good folk at Thomas Nelson for providing the book free of charge, for review.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Turning 50

Is not much difference than 49 except in this case you add a day.
No midlife crisis nor retrospective. Just eats and loot to boot!
Last weekend celebrated with my Son and his Wife.
Last night with the rest of my family and Grandpa.
Today was a flashback to the sixties, with headbands, and flowers in the pastor's and his wife's.
Psychedelic skirts worn by the ladies and one guy!
Beatles music for atmosphere.
A really nice time with photos for blackmail too.
The powerpoint @ Ritson Road Alliance will never be the same.
Wouldn't you know it, tired now. Hence welcome to the fifties!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Frantic over feet

They are both in so much pain today, and I am so worried that they will stay that way
and I will no longer be able to walk.
The pain is also causing me to growl and act like a bear which nobody likes,including
It is probably my own fault because I walked too much earlier today. Will I ever learn?
Grace and peace to all.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Your prayer life will never be the same

This review is from: Mystically Wired: Exploring New Realms In Prayer by Ken Wilson
To be Mystically Wired, is to take prayer beyond our ordinary,everyday experience.
And to turn it into an intimate experience with God.
Using science,scripture and personal experience. Ken Wilson explains how as created
beings in the likeness of God. We are designed or as he puts it "wired" to live out
our faith to the fullest.
This is not for a select few, rather it is within the grasp of every believer.
However, it is not to be entered into lightly, for you never know what may happen,
or what may be required of you.
The book is encouraging because it acknowledges the difficulties that we face in prayer. But it also offers practical solutions. Solutions that will guide us closer to God. Allowing God to take his rightful place in our lives.
This book is an easy read, wherever you are in your relationship with God.
It is a guide to help you along your journey.
Thanks to the kind folks at Thomas Nelson for providing the book to review.

Monday, July 12, 2010


Over a month again!!!!
Hope no one was relying on this, I am not yet a creature of habit with my blog.
Well today is like most days, I'm in sheer agony from the pain, enough to make me wanna puke.
Despite my difficulties, the Lord says "I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to prosper you and to give you hope and a future" Jeremiah 29:11
To be honest I haven't a clue what this has to do with my current situation, but I'm
glad that the Lord does.
At the moment I'm still reading "Mystically wired" exploring new realms in prayer.
It has been given to me by the kind folk @ Thomas Nelson publishers for a review.
Watch for the review shortly.
If anyone wants to connect with me, feel free to use the blog to do so.
It is not that I don't want to blog, I just need to do so.
May each of you know much grace and peace.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Time is a ticking!

Son's wedding is on Saturday, My 50th birthday is not till nearly August, Mid-life crisis about now.
Say No it can't be so! but sure enough it rears its ugly head. Great timing-not!
Didn't seem that long ago I was married.But now Son getting married, daughter starting High School. Where O time didst thou art go?
Half a century, man.....
As my quotable friend Paul always said in response to anything "Oh well, what can you do?" The pinnacle answer to all that is. Open to interpretation, be it positive or negative. In my case, depending upon whether I am in pain or not, or hungry or not.
From day to day/hour to hour/minute to minute, what will my response be?
At the front of the church I try to attend, there is a motto "Jesus Christ is our hope". I would like to claim it personally and say publicy "Jesus Christ is my hope"
Indeed that is the case.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


WestCoast Blogger comments were greatly appreciated. Especially since I opened up my heart elsewhere, only to have it cruely crushed. I go into this appointment with great apprehension, because I don't want to lose out more on life.
Like the situation she shared from her heart, I believe it is all the medication I am taking. I have also heard/read about the affect of pain on memory too.
I am hoping to God it is one or the other and I thank my friend for offering some validation. I'll remember her for this, and thank her for being the first one to comment on my blog.

Monday, May 31, 2010

This Blog sucks!-till now!

Nearly two weeks and nothing notable to say.
Well I'm getting my memory tested this week to see if I have any, so that should be interesting. Especially if I remember to go.-Not funny!
Right now I'm into day 3 of my ears wanting to explode from my head.
I thought it was a new medication, but now I think it is the weather, or it could be that pact I made with God. Sorry can't say anything more than that.
Had hellish dreams last night that forced me out around 3:45 A.M.
Now I'm ready for LaLa land, and I'm not referring to Teletubbies. Although I could turn on the boob tube and put my mind in neutral.
Scratched my arm on something, which isn't good, as I don't want to look any worse in
the upcoming wedding photos. Yup after living in sin for 20+ years the wife has decided to make everything legitimate-kidding!, she doesn't want to yet!-kidding! it is for Son's wedding-not kidding!
Less than 2 weeks to go, oh well still time to back out...of trimming my beard!
Man I should get up this time every morning-I'm on a roll!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Potent Pain

That title describes myself perfectly. It has been one of those really bad days today. The body hurts, the mind hurts and I end up hurting others because everything gets filtered through pain. I know it is not an excuse, nor a cop out, but it is reality.
I have a self imposed exile from my support group. One of us has let the other down.
I have not bothered to request more prayer from prayer partners, as I am sick of doing so.
The orthotics and meds.are making matters worse, rather than better. I don't know how much longer I can carry on like this. Something has to give and I believe it is my body,mind or both.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Orthotics ordeal

The pain is worsening because of these orthotics that are supposedly going to help me. The saddest part of it all is my Son's wedding is now less than a month away, and I'm hoping to have this problem under control by then. I want fond memories of the day, yet I need to last hours. This is definitely not the way I could ever imagine myself being.
My mind is willing, but my flesh is physically weak.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Book Review

"Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge.
I absolutely cannot stand reading something that goes against my grain. Specifically
deep spiritual issues. I know the truth, and it has set me free. Therefore how can I
read something with an open mind, knowing that it is all wrong.
This is one such book, that I have literally struggled with.
The author overwhelmingly believes that God and Jesus have been misrepresented in the Christian church. Our only hope is to venture out into the wilderness to discover
the real God, and in turn our real selves.
Experience has shown me that God and Jesus are real in my own life and that of others. That we need not venture far from the community of believers.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


What to do when your morals are tested by those who don't share the same.
On the one hand you are ministering to others, and that in and of itself cannot be underestimated. But on the other hand, an ever so small minority offend you.
Is one to turn a blind eye, and press on for the sake of the majority? or do you hold out for the minority?
My soul wants to do what is right, yet I'm so torn.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bumbled Blogger

If I'm not mistaken, a blog is suppose to be up to date, perhaps even daily!

I believe I missed the mark, and need to improve, in order to survive amongst all the other gazillion blogs out there.

To be honest I need to make the time, and I probably could, indeed I need to.

I have been busy with pin cushion(acupuncture) appointments, major dental work, and Income Tax returns which were due last month.
Also I'm now a reviewer for the good folks at
I received a book last week entitled "Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge.

Well enough excuses, my online Sidewalk post made it into print in Today's edition of Oshawa This Week. Perhaps I will be discovered in print, as well as online.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My first follower

Julie.leeds a mutual contributor to

I welcome her with open virtual arms and hope that she and followers to be, may learn something from this. Or at least kill some time during the day.

May she and followers to be, feel free to comment and critique. That we may learn from one another.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I am validated

Just not on here yet. Today I received a call from Oshawa This Week, advising me that my last blog post will be in an upcoming issue.(applause). It is quite interesting, given I apparently have no blog followers.
Wonder where you get "them" from?, how do they even know I exist?. I suppose they must, given there is an area on the blog for them. Not to worry, I'm not afraid being an underdog.(the word and not the cartoon character).
Somewhere in cyberspace that one person will discover me and I will become a phenomenon.
Until then, I will continue on knowing that a blogger is a person no matter how small.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sidewalk sightings

When you have to walk as slow as I do, you notice the ground more often. More specifically what is on the ground.
There are those round water turn offs, that often rise above the sidewalk. Stubbing your foot if you're not careful. They really do a number on my back,as do uneven sidewalk blocks.
Calling cards of a dog having previously passed by, which you don't want to step in.
Coinage too which I pass by, as I cannot bend without difficulty. However this week a Twenty Dollar bill beckoned, and so I heeded the call, picked it up and paid the price in pain later.
Something even richer appeared this week on the sidewalk. A chalk picture done by the little girl next door.
Bright green grass, a beautiful blue sky, and a shining yellow sun. It was as beautiful as any masterpiece, perhaps even better, as it was done in childhood innocence. Through the eyes of a child. Full of life and optimism that sadly adults can't often see.
We only see life like the grey color of concrete, the calling card of a dog, or the color of money.
I treated that part of the sidewalk as sacred ground, not wanting anything to change.
For days I walked around it, pausing and admiring it everytime.
It has been awhile now, and the colors have faded, but I still stop and remember how it was.
Hoping to keep the initial image alive in my mind.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Insurance Irritation

Once again my Life Insurance company calls under the guise of wanting to save me money.
The mere thought awakes something within, and it is not good.
If a company wants to make money, then how can they save me money?
Sounds like a catch 22 and I believe I will yet again pass.

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Pal Pain

Is alive and well, he's actually in my feet, preventing me from getting very far.
Pain is certainly much easier to deal with in the back, but the feet, well it sucks.
I may be talented, but walking on my hands is not one of my talents.
I feel for those who are confined to a bed, or a chair 24/7. It must be really difficult.
Please remember to pray for those dear folk and myself too.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The 3 P's

Puking,pain and being a pin cushion.
The first two, are self explanatory, the pin cushion is my body.
Given my regime of drugs, I decided to try acupuncture.
Four treatments thus far and I'm still undecided about any affect.
Last time I nearly fell asleep. However the relief doesn't last for long.
On a more positive note, I am becoming a book reviewer again.
Stay tuned for further details.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Today my pain controls me and not the other way around.
Sleep comes upon me so easily, yet life beckons.
My mind is so not working, but the Holy spirit is alive and well.
Thanks be to God.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Well another painful day, hard to be positive. But kitty decided to change the day.
Kind of hard to feel sorry for myself, when someone who asks for very little, climbs up on my lap and purrs away.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Pal Pain

Pain my constant companion, is especially bad today. I've cried and I could scream.
I know I'm suppose to learn something from it all, yet it is a hard way to learn a lesson. I would like to think that I could learn without the pain.
Underlying it all is empathy and compassion for those in similar circumstances.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tis the season..

of Yard sales!!!
Went to my first one today, and discovered first hand how ill mannered some people can be.
Despite me using a cane to walk, I got pushed and shoved, which is a huge turnoff.
Haiti came to mind, with mob scenes seeking to get what they could. But in this case it wasn't a matter of life or death. Although it seemed to be for some.
God forbid any disaster should happen here, for I wouldn't have a chance.

Friday, April 9, 2010


I'm waiting for goodness and mercy to catch up to me, rather than follow me. In the meantime,
from the confines of my recliner. I think,I hurt, I pray but I sometimes curse. Waiting for the pain to end, if only for awhile.
My world exists in this very recliner. Outside I see a Maple tree, the bird feeder and those who walk by on the sidewalk. Although it may not seem to be a lot, indeed it is, if only you look closer.
I invite you to join me in my journey, one day at a time Lord, one day at a time.